Car maker Nissan today unveiled the Datsun Go, a five-door hatchback that will be priced below Rs. 4 lakh. At this price, the car is expected to give strong competition to the volume segments of Maruti Suzuki and Hyundai.
Though the car was unveiled today, the market launch will take place only in early 2014.
Nissan hopes to garner 10 per cent share in the Indian market with the help of the Datsun by 2016, Carlos Ghosn, president and CEO of Nissan and also the head of the Renault-Nissan alliance, said at the unveiling.
There will be two models in 2014, and a third subsequently a year later. These cars may have parts or platforms borrowed from existing Nissan products, but will not be cheapened or rebadged Nissan or Renault products. They will, however, most likely share engines and gearboxes with their cousins. The Go is an iteration of the same 1.2-litre petrol engine that powers the Nissan Micra.
Datsun will operate only in the sub-Rs. 4 lakh price band, and so its primary rivals will be cars from the Maruti Suzuki and Hyundai range. In fact, the idea is to offer buyers a more modern option to existing entry-level cars like the Alto and Eon at the low-end and the Ritz and i10 at the top-end.
Rivals will watch this closely, especially since the market has slowed down and sales aren't easy to notch up these days. Any threat to volumes segments will be seen as serious.
Though the car was unveiled today, the market launch will take place only in early 2014.
Nissan hopes to garner 10 per cent share in the Indian market with the help of the Datsun by 2016, Carlos Ghosn, president and CEO of Nissan and also the head of the Renault-Nissan alliance, said at the unveiling.
There will be two models in 2014, and a third subsequently a year later. These cars may have parts or platforms borrowed from existing Nissan products, but will not be cheapened or rebadged Nissan or Renault products. They will, however, most likely share engines and gearboxes with their cousins. The Go is an iteration of the same 1.2-litre petrol engine that powers the Nissan Micra.
Datsun will operate only in the sub-Rs. 4 lakh price band, and so its primary rivals will be cars from the Maruti Suzuki and Hyundai range. In fact, the idea is to offer buyers a more modern option to existing entry-level cars like the Alto and Eon at the low-end and the Ritz and i10 at the top-end.
Rivals will watch this closely, especially since the market has slowed down and sales aren't easy to notch up these days. Any threat to volumes segments will be seen as serious.
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